Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!


Welcome to my new Blog, called Scripture Demystified! Hopefully, in the coming days, weeks, etc. I will be discussing may aspects of the teachings in the bible that I feel tend to be misunderstood or can be confusing, and, as the Holy Spirit leads, perhaps provide some food for thought on those verses. For any verses that perplex us all, maybe together we can discern the meaning behind them together.

Although I am a student of the bible and even biblical archaeology and mysticism, I am not a theologian. I rely solely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which we all should when reading scripture. This ensures that glory never goes to me, but to God, where it solely belongs. :-)

I'll also throw in other random meditations, as I feel led to do, as well as prayers of the Church and other items of interest.

Join me, now, as we put on the armor of God and march forth into a world that's full of darkness, carrying the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, as a beacon of hope to us all, with our light shining brightly before men.

Come holy spirit......

1 comment:

  1. May the Holy Spirit be with you always Beloved. He is our Guidance, counselor and comforter. God Bless all who enter in.

    God be the "Exalted One". Congratulations on your new adventure, step up in the Kingdom and may you be shown such revelations and mysteries that far exceed your expectations. As the Lord says, "Faith without works is dead". Be fruitful friend. Sow sow sow~~~~

    Holy Hugs,

    Kool Look AKA Sheila
